Powerful Portfolios Bring Together any Number of Matters
Build portfolios for purposes of client-portfolio management or for any purpose
View and analyze aggregated portfolio data, down to the individual timecard
Set up automated notifications and reports for any portfolio
Powerful pivot analysis and charting for portfolio-specific needs such as cross-matter analysis by phase, title, dates, or profitability
Multiple currency aggregation based on the firm's currency rules
Client-Specific Portfolio Use Cases
Manage and monitor client-specific portfolios in line with portfolio-style arrangements
Any matter attribute, from Planning Blox data or an external source, may be used to pull matters together in a portfolio
Monitor against the portfolio arrangement as requested by the client, including at a budget level, individual matter thresholds, and date-driven reporting
Using the portfolio dashboard, view each matter's overall status which highlights any matters with risk
Analytical Portfolio Use Cases
Create portfolios for any analytical or tracking purpose
Analyze groups of matters based on practice area, lead lawyer, profitability, fee amounts, or any data attribute
Use portfolios to identify potential historical matters to use as the basis of new budgets, or use averages for the basis
Track "problem" matters based on margin or accounts receivable balances
Build notifications based on portfolios for automated alerts of any type