
Does your LPM Technology go beyond Matter Budgeting?

At Planning Blox we believe Legal Project Management technology should be a valuable tool for lawyers, clients, and LPM/Pricing professionals.  The Planning Blox LPM Platform is exactly what the name says:  a Platform for all things LPM.  

Managing the financial aspects of a matter is an important element of LPM, but LPM can also go beyond matter budgeting and monitoring.

Planning Blox offers client-ready, firm-branded, professional reports and email alerts right out of the box.  Our matter budgeting features are second to none.  The ease of scheduling reports and notifications is superb.  Our lawyer-facing dashboards provide the precise information needed to effectively communicate financial status with clients, regardless of whether the matter has a budget.

To summarize, the matter/portfolio financial and budgeting management features of Planning Blox meet all the needs of the most sophisticated pricing teams at the largest law firms in the world.  The data is accurate, the output is beautiful and appreciated by all parties, and the Planning Blox customer support is considered “white glove” service by our customers.

But Planning Blox is so much more than budgeting and reporting.  Comprehensive LPM includes matter scoping, project planning, task management and resource management, all in a manner that is efficient and repeatable.  To that end, Planning Blox offers has fully featured Project Management features, as well as customizable scoping/assumption forms, to support repeatable and specific processes across different types of matters.

Not every matter requires Gantt charts and full project plans, but your LPM technology should absolutely offer the overall “Project Management” aspects of Legal Project Management.

When firms are successful in capturing specific scope details and the final disposition of matters, the resulting data provides for much more rich mining of matter history.  Planning Blox uniquely supports these capabilities.

We’ll have a series of future posts/articles on the various aspects of LPM, and viewpoints from the various perspectives served by LPM (partners, their clients, and LPM professionals).  

Contact us to schedule a demo of the the Planning Blox LPM Platform.